BURNUDSFRAC | float | column: BURN_FRAC, unit: NA, format: D | |
FITUDSTYPE | str | column: FIT_TYPE, unit: NA, format: 20A | |
ID | int | column: ID, unit: NA, format: K | |
IdCatalog | int | Id of the catalog | |
IdSource | int | Id of the source | |
LOGLIK | str | column: LOGLIK, unit: NA, format: 20A | |
MODEL | str | column: MODEL, unit: NA, format: 20A | |
NBINS | int | column: NBINS, unit: NA, format: I | |
NUDSSTEPS | int | column: N_STEPS, unit: NA, format: K | |
NUDSWALKERS | int | column: N_WALKERS, unit: NA, format: I | |
PUDSINI | float | column: P_INI, unit: NA, format: 10D | |
PUDSNAME | str | column: P_NAME, unit: NA, format: 100A | |
PUDSPRIOUDSLOWER | float | column: P_PRIO_LOWER, unit: NA, format: 10D | |
PUDSPRIOUDSUPPER | float | column: P_PRIO_UPPER, unit: NA, format: 10D | |
SIGMAUDSINI | float | column: SIGMA_INI, unit: NA, format: D | |
THINUDSFACT | float | column: THIN_FACT, unit: NA, format: D | |
TOL | float | column: TOL, unit: NA, format: D | |