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LogFormat Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ComponentstrThis should be the specific name of the processing step into the taskRun that generates this message.
MsgBodystrThis is the body of the message in free text. This message could embed information related to the ProcessingOrderId
MsgCodestrCode message. This message code completion is left to the discretion of the software developer for both MsgBody and / or MsgInfo. Example given : some libraries or services implement some error code message : http/ftp/services that could be put here.
MsgDatedatetimeCreation date of the message.
MsgSeverityLevelstrMessage severity level. The list of severity levels is derived from : https://docs.python.org/2/library/logging.html#module-logging and BOOST log lib.
ServicestrName of the service/daemon that generates the message.
UserstrUser/Task who produces the message, this should be the taskrunId or a more explicit name of the job.

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