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MerAnalysisParameters Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
CorrectStarIdenticationFractionfloatThe fraction of stars in the MER final catalog that is correctly associated with a True Universe star.
NirHPsfFwhmDifferencefloatThe absolute difference between the median FWHM value of the NIR H mosaic PSF and the FWHM median value of the stars.
NirJPsfFwhmDifferencefloatThe absolute difference between the median FWHM value of the NIR J mosaic PSF and the FWHM median value of the stars.
NirYPsfFwhmDifferencefloatThe absolute difference between the median FWHM value of the NIR Y mosaic PSF and the FWHM median value of the stars.
TrueUniverseGalaxyMatchFractionfloatThe fraction of sources in the MER final catalog that has a match in the True Universe galaxy catalog.
TrueUniverseMatchFractionfloatThe fraction of sources in the MER final catalog that has a match in the combined (galaxies + stars) True Universe catalog.
TrueUniverseStarMatchFractionfloatThe fraction of sources in the MER final catalog that has a match in the True Universe star catalog.
VisPsfFwhmDifferencefloatThe absolute difference between the median FWHM value of the VIS mosaic PSF and the FWHM median value of the stars.

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