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MerFinalCatalogDqc Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
CoverageFractionDqpFloatThe fraction of the tile covered by the catalog
MaxFluxErrNIRJDqpFloatMaximum flux error (uJy) in the NIR J band
MaxFluxErrVISDqpFloatMaximum flux error (uJy) in the VIS band
MaxFluxNIRJDqpFloatMaximum flux value (uJy) in the NIR J band
MaxFluxVISDqpFloatMaximum flux value (uJy) in the VIS band
MedianFluxErrNIRJDqpFloatMedian flux error (uJy) in the NIR J band
MedianFluxErrVISDqpFloatMedian flux error (uJy) in the VIS band
MedianFluxNIRJDqpFloatMedian flux value (uJy) in the NIR J band
MedianFluxVISDqpFloatMedian flux value (uJy) in the VIS band
MinFluxErrNIRJDqpFloatMinimum flux error (uJy) in the NIR J band
MinFluxErrVISDqpFloatMinimum flux error (uJy) in the VIS band
MinFluxNIRJDqpFloatMinimum flux value (uJy) in the NIR J band
MinFluxVISDqpFloatMinimum flux value (uJy) in the VIS band
NirOnlyFractionDqpFloatThe fraction of sources that are detected only in the NIR stack
NoFluxFractionNIRJDqpFloatFraction of objects without a flux detection in the NIR J band
NoFluxFractionVISDqpFloatFraction of objects without a flux detection in the VIS band
ObjectCountDqpIntTotal number of objects in the catalog
ObjectDensityDqpFloatThe number of objects per mosaic pixel (the total number of objects in the catalog divided by the total number of pixels in the mosaic)
PointLikeFractionDqpFloatThe fraction of point-like objects
SatObjectFractionNIRJDqpFloatFraction of saturated objects in the NIR J band
SatObjectFractionVISDqpFloatFraction of saturated objects in the VIS band

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