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MerPsfTransformationKernel Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
CalblockIdListListOfCalblockIdThe calibration block ids.
CalblockVariantListListOfCalblockVariantThe calibration block variants.
DataStorageMerTransformationKernelFileStorage container for the transformation kernel data
FromFilterBaseFilterFilter name of the input PSF
ObservationIdListListOfObservationIdList of unique IDs identifying the Euclid observations overlapping with the studied region.
PatchIdListListOfPatchIdThe sky patch ids.
ProcessingModestrMER pipeline processing mode used to generate this product.
ProcessingStepsListOfProcessingStepsInformation about the processing steps associated with the production of the product
SpatialFootprintSpatialFootprintThe PSF transformation kernel spatial footprint
TileIndexintMER tile index.
ToFilterBaseFilterFilter name of the target PSF

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