AdditionalDataContainer | DataContainer | Generic file container | |
AdditionalParams | GenericKeyValueParameters | Generic list of parameters | |
AstIRms1 | DqpFloat | Astrometric Internal RMS 1 SCAMP Astrometric dispersion (internal, high S/N). Stored in ASTIRMS1 keyword | |
AstIRms2 | DqpFloat | Astrometric Internal RMS 2 SCAMP Astrometric dispersion (internal, high S/N). Stored in ASTIRMS2 keyword | |
AstRRms1 | DqpFloat | Astrometric Reference RMS 1 SCAMP Astrometric dispersion (reference catalog, high S/N). Stored in ASTRRMS1 keyword | |
AstRRms2 | DqpFloat | Astrometric Reference RMS 2 SCAMP Astrometric dispersion (reference catalog, high S/N). Stored in ASTRRMS2 keyword | |
DetectorId | str | Detector id | |
MaskedPixelFraction | DqpFloat | The fraction of masked pixels | |
Max | DqpFloat | Maximum image pixel value | |
Mean | DqpFloat | Average image level (mean of all image pixel values) | |
Median | DqpFloat | Median image level (median of all image pixel values) | |
Min | DqpFloat | Minimum image pixel value | |
NumberBadPixel | DqpInt | Number of bad pixels (NBADPIXT) | |
NumberCRMulti | DqpInt | Number of pixels masked as CR pixels in the multi frame rejection (NCRPIXM) | |
NumberCRSingle | DqpInt | Number of pixels masked as CR pixels in the single frame rejection (NCRPIXS) | |
NumberDarkNoise | DqpInt | Number of high noise pixels with filled dark values (NDFILL) | |
NumberFalsePositives | DqpInt | Number of sources wrongly flagged as cosmic rays (NFALSPOS) | |
NumberNonLinearity | DqpInt | Number of high noise pixels not corrected for non-linearity (NREJNL) | |
NumberSaturated | DqpInt | Number of pixels flagged for saturation (NSATPIX) | |
NumberSources | DqpInt | Number of sources (stars and compact galaxies) (NSRC) | |
NumberSourcesAstr | DqpInt | Number of bright sources used in the astrometric calibration (NSRCASTR) | |
StDev | DqpFloat | Sample standard deviation of the image pixel values | |