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NirStkCatalog000500 Overview

Query Form

Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
ALPHAPSFUDSJ2000floatcolumn: ALPHAPSF_J2000, unit: deg, format: D
ALPHAUDSJ2000floatcolumn: ALPHA_J2000, unit: deg, format: D
AWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: AWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: E
BACKGROUNDfloatcolumn: BACKGROUND, unit: ADU, format: D
BWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: BWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: E
CHI2UDSPSFfloatcolumn: CHI2_PSF, unit: NA, format: E
CLASSUDSSTARfloatcolumn: CLASS_STAR, unit: NA, format: E
DELTAPSFUDSJ2000floatcolumn: DELTAPSF_J2000, unit: deg, format: D
DELTAUDSJ2000floatcolumn: DELTA_J2000, unit: deg, format: D
ELLIPTICITYfloatcolumn: ELLIPTICITY, unit: NA, format: D
ERRAPSFUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: ERRAPSF_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: E
ERRAWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: ERRAWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: E
ERRBPSFUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: ERRBPSF_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: E
ERRBWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: ERRBWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: E
FLAGSintcolumn: FLAGS, unit: NA, format: I
FLUXERRUDSAPERfloatcolumn: FLUXERR_APER, unit: count, format: E
FLUXERRUDSAUTOfloatcolumn: FLUXERR_AUTO, unit: count, format: E
FLUXERRUDSPSFfloatcolumn: FLUXERR_PSF, unit: count, format: E
FLUXUDSAPERfloatcolumn: FLUX_APER, unit: count, format: E
FLUXUDSAUTOfloatcolumn: FLUX_AUTO, unit: count, format: E
FLUXUDSPSFfloatcolumn: FLUX_PSF, unit: count, format: E
FLUXUDSRADIUSfloatcolumn: FLUX_RADIUS, unit: count, format: E
FWHMUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: FWHM_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: E
IdCatalogintId of the catalog
IdSourceintId of the source
KRONUDSRADIUSfloatcolumn: KRON_RADIUS, unit: deg, format: D
MAGERRUDSAPERfloatcolumn: MAGERR_APER, unit: mag, format: E
MAGERRUDSAUTOfloatcolumn: MAGERR_AUTO, unit: mag, format: E
MAGERRUDSPSFfloatcolumn: MAGERR_PSF, unit: mag, format: E
MAGUDSAPERfloatcolumn: MAG_APER, unit: mag, format: E
MAGUDSAUTOfloatcolumn: MAG_AUTO, unit: mag, format: E
MAGUDSPSFfloatcolumn: MAG_PSF, unit: mag, format: E
OBJECTUDSIDintcolumn: OBJECT_ID, unit: NA, format: K
SPREADUDSMODELfloatcolumn: SPREAD_MODEL, unit: NA, format: E
THETAWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: THETAWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: E
THRESHOLDfloatcolumn: THRESHOLD, unit: NA, format: D
XPSFUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: XPSF_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: D
XPSFUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: XPSF_WORLD, unit: deg, format: D
XWINUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: XWIN_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: D
XWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: XWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: D
YPSFUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: YPSF_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: D
YPSFUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: YPSF_WORLD, unit: deg, format: D
YWINUDSIMAGEfloatcolumn: YWIN_IMAGE, unit: pixel, format: D
YWINUDSWORLDfloatcolumn: YWIN_WORLD, unit: deg, format: D

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