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PipelineExecEnv Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
DynamicWorkdirSizeExpressionstrAn expression which is evaluated during plan resolution to dynamically overwrite the EstimatedWorkdirSizeGB element of the associated PPO. See ST_PlanSolver documentation for syntax and evaluation failure fallback mechanism.
EasDpsCatalogIngestionEasDpsCatalogIngestionThis element specifies (or not) the catalog data files of the output data products of the given plan to be ingested into DPS. This element is interpreted by DPS to upload the fits catalog files from DSS into DPS, IAL doesnt carry on this information.
EasIngestFailurePolicystrIngest policy for data resulting as output of failed pipeline executions.
EasIngestSuccessPolicystrIngest policy for data resulting as output of successful pipeline executions.
EstimatedWorkdirSizeGBintThe size (in GB) of the workdir for the given PPO - including all its intermediate datafiles and products (and all inputs and output files). Actually, the maximum size over the execution time of the PPO. It helps to manage the ppos that can be simultaneously in execution to not exceed the SDC limits on the shared file system.
ForceComputingResourcesstrSet to True if the Tasks/PayloadJobs should be forced to stay within their specified ComputingResources in the PackageDef. This will not work on all SDCs, only on the ones using a decent new kernel on the machines. If not specified, this is internally set to False.
ForceStatelessTasksstrSet to True if the Tasks/PayloadJobs should be forced to be stateless. This will put Tasks to ERROR if they modify their own input files. If not specified, this is internally set to False.
IdstrBusiness key which must uniquely identify the values of all the elements set in the execution environment.
OptionalPackageDefRootPathsstrUrl (absolute path) to folders containing additional PackageDefs typically on CernVM-FS (something like /cvmfs/euclid.in2p3.fr/CentOS7/EDEN-X.Y_dev/opt/euclid/PackageDefXYZ/[version]).
PipelineDefinitionIdstrPipelineDefinitionId : This replicates the pipelinedefinitionId selected by the COORS users after browsing the list of available PipelineDefinition from the EAS. This is inherited from the pipelineDefinition datatype(from package tsk). This is not used by IAL.
PipelineRootPathstrUrl (absolute path) to folder containing PipelineScript and possibly PackageDefs typically on CernVM-FS (something like /cvmfs/euclid.in2p3.fr/CentOS7/EDEN-X.Y_dev/opt/euclid/Pipeline/[version]).
PipelineScriptPathstrPath (relative to PipelineRootPath) to the PipelineScript in CernVM-FS, for example: VIS/PF_VIS.py
ProfilingScriptstrAbsolute path to a script that should be invoked for running tasks for profiling.
TaskLogLevelstrLog level to be applied when executing the pipeline tasks.
WorkdirRetentionFailurePolicystrWorkdir cleanup policy in case of failed pipeline run.
WorkdirRetentionSuccessPolicystrWorkdir cleanup policy in case of successfully completed pipeline run.

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