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TileToObservationsMap Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
PlannedEuclidIntersectionsPlannedEuclidIntersectionsThe list of intersections between the tile and the Euclid observations, using the footprints specified in the Euclid Survey Plan. This list should not change if the Survey Plan and the MER tile definitions do not change.
PlannedExtIntersectionsPlannedExtIntersectionsThe list of intersections between the tile and the EXT observations, using the footprints specified in the EXT surveys. This list should not change if the EXT survey definitions and the MER tile definitions do not change.
ProcessedEuclidIntersectionsProcessedEuclidIntersectionsThe list of intersections between the tile and the Euclid observations, using the footprints from the Euclid processed products. This list will be updated each time a new set of Euclid observations is processed.
ProcessedExtIntersectionsProcessedExtIntersectionsThe list of intersections between the tile and the EXT observations, using the footprints from the EXT processed products. This list will be updated each time a new set of EXT observations is processed.
TileIndexintThe tile index.

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