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VisProcessingSteps Overview

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Attribute nameAttribute typeDocstringUnit
AstromDistortionstrInclude non radial distortion due to the optical element (Korsch telescope) (R-SIM-VIS-015)
BackgroundstrInclude zodiacal light flux that depend on the ecliptic latitude + with some local variation (R-SIM-VIS-004)
BackgroundCirrusstrInclude background cirrus (SC8-VIS-R33)
BackgroundGalaxiesstrInclude unresolved background galaxies (SC8-VIS-R27)
BiasstrInclude the detector bias, with possible variation across the chip (R-SIM-VIS-023; R-SIM-VIS-030; R-SIM-VIS-031)
BleedingstrInclude the effect of bleeding trails when sources exceed the detector full well capacity (R-SIM-VIS-027)
BrighterFatterstrInclude the expected Brighter Fatter effect, where bright spots tend to be broader than faint ones (R-SIM-VIS-022)
ChargeInjectionstrProduce artificial charge injection lines by setting a level of electrons in the injection lines of the detector following the spatial profile of the injection lines model (R-SIM-VIS-025)
CosmeticsstrInclude a realistic distribution of hot and dead pixels (R-SIM-VIS-026)
CosmicsstrInclude cosmic ray hits during exposure (R-SIM-VIS-007)
CosmicsReadoutstrInclude cosmic ray hits during readout (~7%) (R-SIM-VIS-029)
CrosstalkstrInclude crosstalk effect (SC8-VIS-R22)
CtistrInclude Charge Transfer Inefficiency (CTI) readout effect (R-SIM-VIS-028)
DarkCurrentstrInclude the dark current of the VIS CCD detectors, with dependence to the VIS focal plane temperature (R-SIM-VIS-024)
DiscretizestrApply discretization noise (R-SIM-VIS-032)
Electron2AdustrImprove float to int conversion (SC8-VIS-R43)
GalShapeAstDistortionstrInclude non radial distortion due to the optical element (Korsch telescope) but the level of a galaxy image thumbnail (R-SIM-VIS-015)
GhostsstrInclude the effect of internal optics reflections creating ghost images (R-SIM-VIS-010)
HkOrbitalParamsstrHousekeeping : sat. orbital parameters (SC8-VIS-R35)
HkTemperaturestrHousekeeping : temperatures (SC8-VIS-R35)
IlluminationstrUse the large scale flat calproduct in the simulations
IpqestrApply IPQE
NonLinearitystrInclude non linear quantum efficiency as expected for the VIS CCD detectors (R-SIM-VIS-021)
PixelBouncestrApply Hard Edge Response effect (HER) due to memory effects in the electronics EUCL-MSS-TR-6-129_v1.2_GRCALCAMP.pdf (section 1.4)
PoissonNoisestrApply Poisson Noise (R-SIM-SHE-015)
PreoverscanstrInclude the pre-scan (=offset+bias+dark+electronic noise) and over-scan region (=offset+electronic noise) + the 4 pixels wide columns that are reserved for charge injection and are not light sensitive (SC8-VIS-R04)
PrnuMonochromstrInclude the effect of the Monochrom Photo Response Non Uniformity (R-SIM-VIS-020)
PrnuPolychromstrInclude the effect of the Polychrom Photo Response Non Uniformity (R-SIM-VIS-020)
ReadoutNoisestrInclude readout noise with a realistic distribution among the different VIS detectors (R-SIM-VIS-033)
ReadoutTrailsstrInclude a trailing effect due to the fact that the shutter is not closed during the readout
RotateGalaxiesstrRotate galaxy stamps by 90deg, for SHE calibration purposes
ShutterstrInclude the effect of illumination due to the shutter (2 times 10 seconds to open and close) (R-SIM-VIS-013)
SlimmerDimmerstrInclude slimmer dimmer effect (SC8-VIS-R40)
SSOsstrInclude moving objects / SSOs (SC8-VIS-R28)
StarNDIstrInclude local and high intensity scattered light ("spike") from sources in the field following the Normalized Detector Irradiance (NDI) model (R-SIM-VIS-011)
SvmStraylightstrUse the SVM straylight model identified in VIS
ThermalstrApply Thermal noise
TrapPumpingstrTrap pumping (GC) (SC8-VIS-R12)
VelocityAberrationstrInclude velocity aberration (radial effect, up to 2 pixels difference along the diagonal for a field located at the ecliptic poles and observed with 6 months interval) (R-SIM-VIS-018)
VignettingstrInclude vignetting effect (SC8-VIS-R16)

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